Sunday, May 6, 2007

No Thanks, Hold the Boob Please...................

I am NOT in anyway trying to offend or get anyone fired up, BUT for those women who are thinking about or are breast feeding. While needing to feed your baby in a public place use a blanket or something to hide your boob or go to the bathroom. While trying to enjoy a lunch out yesterday, at a pretty popular restaurant, a baby was crying from another table. Instinctively, I look up and focus in on the baby while at the same time the mother pulls her boob out (she actually lifts her shirt up) at the table and begins feeding her child without covering anything up. Total boob exposure. The family in the booth next to her immediately turned their heads in the other direction away from her and children's faces were red. All I'm saying is, I don't care if you go topless at home, but while in public just cover yourself. I know it is natural and healthy to breast feed your baby, but have respect for others around you. Call me crazy, but I don't want to see a boob while eating with my family.


3carnations said...

I couldn't agree more. I was extremely modest when I was nursing. The one time I did it in a public place, and that was at daycare on my lunch break on a day my son was refusing a bottle, I was so self-conscious...and did indeed use a blanket to cover up.

Kentucky Colonel said...

I hate seeing boobs at dinner, yet I really enjoy taking my sons out for a meal! What to do LOL?

monkeybrigade said...

I printed an ad at work tonight that showed a woman breast feeding a baby with the words "100% Organic" tattooed on her breast. I had to stare at that ad for nearly 2 hours. Boobs get boring after a while.

Momma Hen said...

I figured you guys wouldn't have a problem with boobs at the dinner table :)